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Church of God Zambia Region is achieving more with our initiatives than ever before. We work on many exciting projects to help improve the lives of others, and are very proud of the progress we continue to make. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to promote positive change.

Ministries: What We Do

Women's Ministry (Christian Women's Connection)

The Zambian CWC chapter operates under the main CWC fellowship of the Church of God Ministries in Anderson, Indiana. Locally, the fellowship has over Five Thousand (5,000) members who have met the requirements to wear the CWC uniform in recognition of their commitment to serve Christ. Thousands of more women are part of the Women’s Ministry across Zambia and Mozambique. Activities include annual national and international conferences, regional monthly meetings, and weekly fellowship meetings across the 365 congregations in Zambia and Mozambique. The women have a choir at the national, regional, and local church levels in which they minister through songs and dance.


Men's Fellowship

The Men’s Fellowship is a ministry that has been intentionally set up to address the growing need for godly, faithful, and disciplined men and fathers in our world today. The ministry which is being introduced in congregations across the country seeks to build and uplift men and fathers in the Church of God in Zambia. This ministry holds conferences and workshops at the national, regional, and district levels.

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Youth Ministry

Bearing in mind the adage that youths are the leaders of today and tomorrow, the Church of God in Zambia has stepped up efforts at the national, regional, district, and local church levels to disciple, mentor, empower and create opportunities for this ministry to reach new and greater heights in service to the Kingdom of God. Youths across the country have organized and hosted national and international conferences, as well as regional and district conferences in efforts to teach and build each other up. Youths participate in key church activities across the various congregations that include weekly Bible Study, weekly fellowship meetings, praise and worship teams, as well as drama and poetry ministry.

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Children's Sunday School

There is a saying in the local language that goes, “Imiti eh ikula impanga” (young trees are what build a forest) and it is with this in mind that children’s ministries play a cardinal role in the Church’s plan and vision for growth and maturity. Children meet weekly for Bible Study, games, and crafts, as well as sporting activities with our supporting ministries where facilities exist and allow. Children minister in various congregations through songs, dance, and poetry, among others.


Leadership Training

We believe that creating shepherds for God's flock is tantamount to our vision, so we commit to training our leaders to lead the people while simultaneously giving them the support system necessary to thrive no matter the circumstance.

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